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Dear children of God, in the past 30 years, it has been a journey to learn to walk by faith and trust in the Lord. And one precious truth you will experience in such a journey with a faithful God, is that you will never be ashamed.

While learning to trust in a God that I can’t see, I learned to see with the eyes of faith. I had many people trust issues, and it reflected in how I was hesitant to trust God too.

Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed Psa 34:5

When you look to Him, you will be radiant, encouraging and comforted. You will not feel shame, which is to feel disappointed in your hope in Him!

You Will Not Be Ashamed: Consider Three Things:

Wait for Him

God doesn’t always answer immediately, or in the format we expect Him to answer. So I need to have patience.  “…then you will know that I am the LORD; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.” Isaiah 49:23b

Obey His Word

Hear, listen and do – Faith requires nonstop action. So keep going, and don’t stop.  “Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.”  Psalm 119:6

Enjoy the fruits

I will be bold and secure in Him. I will not fear that He may let me down because He is faithful forever! “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psa 73:26

He Will Never Let You Down

I used to feel disappointed in people when they let me down—especially someone I loved or who claimed to love me.  But, I learned that in the end, we all could let others down. I have let others down too.

But, my God, my Lord Jesus Christ, has NEVER let me and I know He will NEVER let you down – Mareli

Go ahead, friend; put your faith in Him. He is for you; He is with you and loves you so much!

You will not feel ashamed when you place your trust in His perfect love. In His unchanging character and sure promises.


Blessings and love,


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Mareli Csabai

With over 20 years of experience in mentoring and counselling women.

Mareli offers a counselling space where you will find supportive and non-judgmental Counseling, which promotes a healthy relationship with God, self and with others.

Furthermore, she offers sessions in English, Afrikaans and Portuguese.

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